Monday, October 27, 2014

Microteaching I

Please post comments and suggestions here! Thanks!


  1. You did a great job in your lesson. It was clear and interesting. The visuals you had were great and the activity was challenging. Trying to get all those countries really was challenging but uit kept my interest and I though it was great. The topic was new and I know I leanred something new. That tiny country of Equatorial Guinea I never knew had Spanish as the offical language. For a suggestion I think you should ask more questions to the students to get them more involved in the lesson and to see if they are understanding what you want to teach. Still I thought he lesson was great and you did a great job.

    1. Thanks Al! I appreciate your suggestions and feedback!

  2. To start... Great job! I think you did a lot better than you felt. I never had a strong interest in Geography/Social Studies, but I really enjoyed your lesson. I had no idea Brazil's major language was Portuguese. I always thought it was Spanish! You are definitely going to be an engaging and funny teacher. You're a natural in front of the class (even if your feeling nervous). I liked when you made us fill in the blank map. That was very challenging! The only criticism I have involves the group vs. individual practice and amount of questions. I feel like we watched you color in the countries as a group, and then we just copied what you did. It still made us think, but I feel as though it would have been a bit more challenging if we had a different task. I remember speaking with you the other day about the number of questions you asked throughout the lesson. Just add some next time and you will be golden! Overall, one of my favorite presentations. Keep up the good work.

    P.S. You deal with distractions as well as technological difficulties very well. Remember... it happens in a real classroom so don't feel bad!

    1. Thank you!! I appreciate you're feedback! Couldn't agree more!

  3. Hey Amy, you did a great job! You were the only one of us that had to deal with any distractions, and you had multiple ones! It's tough enough to do the presentation without any distractions, yet you handled it seamlessly. You definitely have some natural abilities in front of a class. I thought your map materials and visuals were fantastic. I used to love working with maps when I was in school, and I found your lesson very engaging and fun. I don't really have a ton of feedback, I thought you did a great job. Keep up the good work!

  4. Amy, your lesson was excellent. It was fun to be challenged to remember the geography of Spanish speaking countries...even if I can only name a dozen of them:) You are a natural (if you were nervous, I could not tell at all). I think the only thing I would suggest you to do is ask more questions. You were amazing and should be proud of yourself!
