Thursday, October 23, 2014

Use or don't use the textbooks?

 The chapters in our textbook and the Strong chapter gives you a lot to think about when thinking about how you would use the textbook. The authors of our textbook certainly has a negative attitude towards textbooks. They say they're over used, hard to read, badly designed, and often inaccurate. A valid point the authors make is that textbooks aren't going away, they're a part of our educational system. However how we use them is up to us, the teacher/curriculum presented by our school. I absolutely agree that textbooks are jammed back with tons of information that teachers most likely won't get to cover in a school year. I think textbooks are needed as a guide for teachers and students.You can pick and choose the information you want to teach and the parts you want to leave out. I think the best thing about textbooks, in particular science and social studies books, the vocabulary is in plain site and the main ideas are laid out. I think the hook, what's going to make kids interested and remember what they learned is definitely not going to come from a textbook but rather something fun and interesting. something they had to do, not just reading and answering questions at the end of a chapter.

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