Friday, November 21, 2014

SED 406 Observation #3

For this observation assignment I observed a Biology II class at the Seekonk High School. My goal was to observe classroom management. As soon as the bell rings for students to change classes, students pour into the classroom and are a bit noisy. The announcements are taking place over the intercom. They find their seats, some linger around the room looking at all the bones and posters displayed around the room. The teacher is at his desk and seems to be doing attendance because he keeps looking up from his computer and looking for the student in class.This is the time we learn about when teachers allow for those loud and noisy five minutes of talking because they need five minutes to do attendance. Then they say the pledge of the allegiance and I noticed some students weren't even saying the pledge and some weren't even paying attention.
    As class is about to get started the teacher leaves his desk and starts talking. As soon as he starts speaking the kids all get to their seats and start to to pay attention. He starts to talk about the human body and asks students questions. It seemed like the teacher was reviewing for something bigger. It's first period of the day and the teacher shares with the kids that they're going to get to watch a video on the Incredible Human Machine by National Geographic. They automatically get excited and start to make noise. The teacher quickly responds that the video is to help for their test and its a not a free period.
He asks for two volunteers to pass out the sheet that goes with the video. I quickly got a glance of one and it looked like a multiple choice checklist to follow as the video went on. By the students passing out the papers it freed up the teachers time and he talked about the worksheet that went with the video. He told the students they would be allowed to use this worksheet on the test if they completed it and it would be a homework grade. If it was half done they wouldn't be able to use it but they would still get credit for doing half.
Before the video a couple students went up to him and asked if they could use the bathroom, he allowed them to even though every time the door closed it made a loud noise. I thought this was interesting because then they would miss the video, however you can't tell a student they can't go to the bathroom. Although a teacher can suggest going to the bathroom at the beginning or end of the period not during a lesson. At the same time the video was just review so if students missed 5 minutes I suppose it wouldn't be that big of a deal anyways. The beginning of the video it's starts talking about skin and the sense. Students started to giggle and be a little awkward because the girl wasn't wearing clothes and her hair was covering her body parts. These are one of the things teachers have to consider when showing a video that certain areas of the video might contain some nudity and it might need to be addressed before the video beings. During the video a couple of students were talking and not paying attention. The teacher looked over at the students, gave them a look and said " ahem" and they stopped and got back on track. Another student asked if he could go to the nurse and the teacher said he could go.
At the end of the video the teacher did a recap of the video and they talked about what they liked, learned, and saw in the video. He then had asked a student to go around and collect the assignment, but before collecting he asked for everyone to make sure they had their name on it. He reminded the students again that he would be checking for completeness and that if it was complete he would hand back the sheet and they could use it on the test. For homework, the teacher told the students all they had was to study for the test.
Overall I think the teacher did have classroom management. He used his time effectively and used the resources he had to address other issues. By having the students pass out and collect papers allows the teacher to keep an eye out or give directions. When the students at the back of the room were misbehaving by talking and not watching the video he corrected it as soon as he heard them talking.The classroom management affected student learning by the students being able to watch the video. When there was distractions the teacher dismissed them. Even the distraction of the door closing when the students would go to the bathroom the teacher would say "ahem" quietly close the door.

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