Monday, November 24, 2014

SED 406 Observation #4

In this observation assignment, the goal is to create an assessment for the lesson I observed. and then write a 10 minute quiz that will determine if students can meet the objective. This assignment is for the lesson I saw in the third observation.

1) What do you think the objective is?

The objective of the lesson is for students to use the video as a review for the test.
  • recall 3 new things they learned by watching the video
  • name 3 things they found interesting, cool or didn't know before watching
  • what 3 things did you already know about the Human body before watching the video.
  • make a judgement of the video and decide if the material presented was meaningful/important or not.

2) What level of Bloom’s Taxonomy is that?

Knowledge is at the base of the assesment but in question D, the students are being asked to analyize and take the new things they learned and separate it to decide what they want to learn more about. The last question addresses evalutation where the students have to give their opinion

3) How will you assess it in 10 minutes or less?
I would asses it in 10 minutes or less by simply glancing over each students answer to see if they have answered them with relevant information from the video. The idea is to get the students thinking about the content for the test and to make sure the students were paying attention to the video so there is not one correct answer for each question.

Here is a 10 minute quiz that will determine if students can meet the objective.


A. What are 3 things you learned by watching the video?

B. What are 3 things you didn't know that you saw in the video?

C. What are 3 things or examples that you already knew about the human body?

D. What are 3 things you would like to learn or discover more about?

E. What are 3 things you learned in the video that you think are important/essential to your life? OR not important or not essential, explain why or why not.

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